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Refer to figure.
In Item 15 (Route) of an ATC flight plan, a point must be inserted for any change of cruising speed equal to:
  • A
    TAS or 0.05 Mach or more
  • B
    ±10 knots TAS or more or ± 0.02 Mach or more
  • C
    20 knots or 0.05 Mach or more
  • D
    5% TAS or 0.01 Mach or more

Refer to figure.
For this question, the detailed instructions for the insertion of data in an ICAO Flight Plan form, which are described in detail in your "GSPRM - Air Traffic Control" Section must be adhered to:

  • In Item 15 (Route) the point at which a change of speed (5% TAS or 0.01 Mach or more) or a change of level is planned to commence, followed by an oblique stroke and both the cruising speed and the cruising level, without a space between them, even when only one of these quantities will be changed.

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