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With regard to the Centre of Gravity limits of an aircraft, which one of the following statements is true?
  • A
    The aircraft operator’s CG limitations can be more restrictive than the manufacturer’s CG limitations.
  • B
    The manufacturer’s CG limitations can be more restrictive than the aircraft operator’s CG limitations.
  • C
    It depends on the state of registry whether the manufacturer’s or the aircraft operator’s limitations on CG are more restrictive.
  • D
    The CG limitations of the operator always have to be the same as the manufacturer’s limitations.

The aircraft must be always loaded so that, not only is the Centre of Gravity (CG) within limits, but also that no structural or performance limited masses are exceeded.

The controlling regulations for Mass and Balance are described in EU-OPS. These specify that the loading, mass and CG of the aeroplane must comply with limitations in the Aeroplane Flight Manual or the Operations Manual, whichever is more restrictive and set out the requirements to be included in the Operations Manual.

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