2 / 20

You are flying from town A to airport B with a single engine piston when you experience an engine failure. Calculate the minimum height (above airport B) at A to reach to airport B, given:

Elevation of town A and airport B: 300 m
Distance from A to B: 60 km
L/D ratio: 30

  • A
    2 000 m
  • B
    2 300 m
  • C
    2 500 m
  • D
    1 800 m

Lift over drag (L/D) ratio determines the gliding range. The Glide ratio of an aircraft is the distance of forward travel divided by the altitude lost in that distance.

If L/D = 30 => Aircraft will fly 30 units over the ground per every unit down (assuming no wind).
Ground distance = 60 km = 60 000 m

  • Therefore, with a ground distance of 60 000 m (60 km) and L/D of 1:30, we get the following equation:
    1 / 30 = x / 60 000
    x = 2 000 m
  • Since the question asks for minimum height (not altitude), the correct option is 2 000 m.

Note: Altitude - The vertical distance of an object measured from mean sea level.
Height -The vertical distance of a level, a point, or an object considered as a point, measured from a specified datum.

NOTE: We received feedback from students who encountered this question in the Polish authorities that the current answer to this question is incorrect. The current answer is the one we believe to be most correct, therefore we also consider the possibility that they may have encountered one of the different versions of this question. So please send us anything you can remember from the exam via the comments, the feedback section of the website, or by email to [email protected], thank you!

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