Doc 7030 Regional Supplementary Procedures
6.2.1 Lateral Minimum lateral separation shall be:
a) 110 km (60 NM) between aircraft which meet the North Atlantic minimum navigation performance specifications (MNPS) which, while operating in the control area of San Juan FIR, are in transit to or from the NAT MNPS airspace; Note.— The NAT MNPS area is set forth in NAT SUPPS, Chapter 4.
b) 167 km (90 NM) between aircraft operating between the United States, Canada or Bermuda and points in the CAR Region in the control areas of San Juan and New York Oceanic FIRs and the Atlantic portion of the Miami Oceanic control area;
c) 185 km (100 NM) west of 60˚W (only in oceanic areas) between aircraft not covered in a) and b), and between aircraft in the control area of Piarco FIR west of 55˚W; and d) 223 km (120 NM) between aircraft operating east of 60˚W in the New York Oceanic FIR, and between aircraft in the control area of Piarco FIR east of 55˚W;
except the lower minima as detailed in of the PANS-ATM may be applied, or further reduced in accordance with 5.11 of the PANS-ATM, where the conditions specified in the relevant PANS-ATM provisions are met (see 6.2.5).
6.2.4 Vertical An RVSM of 300 m (1 000 ft) shall be applied between FL 290 and FL 410 inclusive within the FIRs specified in 4.2.1.
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