In contact with a radar Air Traffic Services unit, an aircraft receives the three following messages (call signs are omitted). Which option lists correct responses to all of these messages?
1. "Advise type of transponder capability"
2. "Check altimeter setting and confirmlevel"
3. "Turn left immediately heading 050 to avoid traffic 12 o’clock 3 miles"
1. Transponder Bravo 2. Altimeter 1008 altitude 2000ft 3. Left immediately heading 050
1. Transponder Alpha 2. Altimeter 1008 flight level 110 3. Left immediately 050
1. Transponder Charlie 2. Altimeter 1008 flight level 110 3. Left immediately 050
1. Transponder Sierra 2. Altimeter 1008 altitude 2000ft 3. Left heading 050
Standard RT procedures
1. "Advise type of transponder capability" => The transponder has 3 different modes, A, C and S. Transponder mode Alpha/Charlie/Sierra would be valid options.
2. "Check altimeter setting and confirm level" => You must report an altitude because your altimeter is set to 1008 hPa and not 1013 hPa.
3. "Turn left immediately heading 050 to avoid traffic 12 o’clock 3 miles" => It is not standard to repeat "immediately" in the read back.
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