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The use of check lists should be carried out in such a way that:
  • A
    their execution may be done simultaneously with other actions
  • B
    their execution should not be done simultaneously with other actions
  • C
    they should only be carried out when time is available
  • D
    their execution should be combined with other important tasks


Studies of human error rates during simple repetitive tasks have shown that errors can normally be expected on about 1 to 10 occasions. After methodical training, a rate of 1 to 100 is considered to be realistic and pretty good. A checklist can be used to reduce the effects of human memory and attention limitations by ensuring consistency and completeness.

In order for a checklist to provide valuable assistance for crew members, certain design criteria should be observed:

  1. The most critical items on the task-checklist should be listed as close as possible to the beginning of the task-checklist, in order to increase the likelihood of completing the item before interruptions may occur.
  1. The more items a checklist has, the more likely one of them is forgotten. A long checklist should be subdivided to smaller task-checklists or chunks that can be associated with systems and functions within the cockpit. Division of pages should be obtained with protruding thumb locators.
  1. Sequencing of checklist items should follow the “geographical” organization of the items in the cockpit, and be performed in a logical flow (panel scan sequence). We note that this guideline could conflict with Nos. 1 above. In most cases where this occurs, this guideline (No. 3) should take precedence.
  1. The most critical items should be emphasized by use of colour, bold, italics or upper case.
  1. Checklists should be designed in such a way that their execution will not be tightly coupled with other tasks - to ensure maximum attention is devoted to the checklist execution.
  1. Check lists should be unambiguous and easy to read, presented in easily understood language.

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