3 / 20


Distance from departure to destination: 1500 NM
Safe Endurance: 4.5 h
TAS: 450 kt
Ground Speed Out: 480 kt
Ground Speed Home: 410 kt

What is the time of the PSR from the departure point?

  • A
    101 min
  • B
    66 min
  • C
    63 min
  • D
    124 min

The Point of Safe Return (PSR) is the last point on a route at which it is possible to return to the departure airfield arriving back with the required fuel reserves still available in the tanks. If the pilot chooses to continue past the PSR, he is now committed to landing at your destination.

Time (to PSR) = E x H / 0 + H

  • Where, E = Safe endurance based on available fuel; H = Ground speed home; 0 = Ground speed out

Time (to PSR) = 4.5 x 410 / 480 + 410 = 2.07 h
Time to PSR in minutes = 2.07 h x 60 = 124 min

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