4 / 20
According to OPS regulations, the minimum number of hand fire-extinguishers to be located in the passenger compartment of a helicopter with a maximum approved passenger seating configuration of 50 is:

The hand fire extinguishers must be provided for:

  • crew and passengers;
  • cargo compartments;
  • galleys according to the kinds of fires likely to occur; and
  • for personnel compartments.

According to CAT.IDE.H.250 Hand fire extinguishers”:

  • The number and location of hand fire extinguishers should be such as to provide adequate availability for use, account being taken of the number and size of the passenger compartments, the need to minimise the hazard of toxic gas concentration.
  • Helicopters shall be equipped with at least one hand fire extinguisher in the flight crew compartment.
  • At least one hand fire extinguisher shall be located in, or readily accessible for use in, each gallery not located on the main passenger compartment.
  • At least one hand fire extinguisher shall be available for use in each cargo compartment that is accessible to crew members in flight.
  • At least a number of hand fire extinguishers by the table, conveniently located to provide adequate availability for use in each passenger compartment.


Minimum Number of EXTINGUISHERS

7 -30


31 - 60


61 - 200


Therefore, there must be at least 2 hand fire extinguishers in the passenger compartment.

MOPSC = Maximum Operational Passenger Seating Configuration

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