How does body temperature affect cognitive Performance?
Given a sufficient period of restful sleep previously, the best cognitive performance can be expected when the body temperature is rising.
The effect of body temperature on cognitive performance is marginal; temperature only affects physical performance.
Sleeping during the phase of high body temperature improves cognitive performance.
The cognitive performance is best when the body is just past its peak temperature.
Body temperature
The human core body temperature is largely constant (approx. 36.5 °C – 37.5 °C) thanks to the interaction of heat generation, heat absorption and heat release. This temperature range is the same for all healthy individuals, provided that they are adapted to the climatic zone where they are.
There is a direct relationship between our body temperature and sleep cycle. At the time of lowest body temperature, we find it hardest to stay awake. We will start to feel sleepy at a time when the temperature is falling and be at our most wide awake when the temperature is rising. Sleep is most restful when going to sleep while the temperature is falling. The best physical and mental performance, on the other hand, is achieved during times of rising or high body temperature, whereat mental or intellectual performance is better in the morning.
Body temperature variations throughout the day follow a regular cycle. The highest temperature occurs around 1700 hours and the lowest at about 0500 hours, at which time we are least efficient and the desire for sleep is at its peak.
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