Take-off power; landing gear extended; at height consistent with the procedure used in establishing the take-off, climb-out and rejected take-off paths.
Take-off power; landing gear retracted; at height consistent with the procedure used in establishing the take-off, climb-out and rejected take-off paths.
Maximum continuous power; landing gear extended; at height consistent with the procedure used in establishing the take-off, climb-out and rejected take-off paths.
Take-off power; landing gear extended; IGE with the normal procedures used in establishing the take-off, climb-out and rejected take-off paths.
According to CS 29.49 - Performance at minimum operating speed:
(a) For each Category A helicopter, the hovering performance must be determined over the ranges of weight, altitude and temperature for which take-off data are scheduled:
(1) With not more than take-off power;
(2) With the landing gear extended; and
(3) At a height consistent with the procedure used in establishing the take-off, climbout and rejected take-off paths.
(b) For each Category B helicopter, the hovering performance must be determined over the ranges of weight, altitude and temperature for which certification is requested, with:
(1) Take-off power;
(2) The landing gear extended; and
(3) The helicopter in ground effect at a height consistent with normal take-off procedures.
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