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Information about an aerodrome with an ATIS is also included in the list of VOLMET reports. The QNH is transmitted in…

  • A
    both the ATIS and the VOLMET reports.
  • B
    only the VOLMET report.
  • C
    neither the ATIS nor the VOLMET report.
  • D
    only the ATIS report.

Automatic Terminal Information Servise (ATIS) is a continuous broadcast of pre-recorded information at selected airports. ATIS is typically broadcasted over a specific VHF frequency and contains essential information, such as latest actual weather observation (METAR), which runways are active for arrivals/departures, available approaches, runway/taxiway closures alerts/SPECI (windshear, turbulence, icing, bird activity, etc) and any other meteorological and operational info that may be of importancem to the pilots.

VOLMET is a continuous automated voice message about actual weather conditions and forecasts. It provides METAR and TAF reports but also TRENDs and SIGMETs of large airports worldwide. The frequencies used are VHF and HF, and VOLMET information can be received even at long distances to those airports.

  • VOLMET and ATIS broadcast METAR, which includes QHN information.

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